...since I blogged and I have a hard time right now finding any time to post up reviews for my figures because of school, limited internet time where I'm living. As most of you know things have gone worse for me with my living situation, I'm trying to make the best of it and keep a positive attitude but its just a little bit hard on me right now. There is a deep depression kicking me when I'm down but I will not go down completely without a fight. Also as most of you know my phone has been suspended so I can't call out or reply to texts unless I'm near a WIFI area, I'm making due but damn does it put me in a funk to have a smart phone that I can do nothing with!
But as a sort of positive note I am turning 30 in two days, could be interesting. Who knows what a new decade will bring for me...maybe happiness that I have been seeking.
A good friend and I have started our own pod cast where we talk about anything and everything comic related: http://milkmanandrevren.podbean.com/
In our first episode we talk about how we got into comics and why we love the medium. Still a work in progress but fun none the less. =)
You can also find it on iTunes. Let us know if you have any ideas as to what we should talk about and maybe we will use your idea sometime.
Also during the summer my buddy Ian is starting his own Webisodes of his Superhero screen play and we may be looking for locations to shoot at and vehicles to borrow so if you have anything please let us know.
Well guys look for updates to come out sometime, but reviews will not return until September when I get my own place and look out I will have a lot of stuff to cover!