Wednesday, October 27, 2010

MOTU Classic Scareglow

Classic Scareglow from the original He-Man and the Masters of the Universe figures was one of the very last figures to hit stores in 1987 and to be honest he was one of my favorites. At the time I had a fascination with skeletons and action figures and what more could I ask for than a skeleton action figure that glowed in the dark from one of my, at the time, favorite toy lines!

I don't really remember what happened to my original Scareglow but I do know when I heard that Matty Collector  was making a Scareglow action figure for the new MOTU Classics line I was excited but also disappointed, you see the problem with Matty Collector is that it is nearly impossible to get anything from their site because it crashes and they only put out limited amounts of characters so when you want one you have to be faster then the Flash to get one, also I heard about Scareglow entirely too late when he had already been released to the public.I looked to find him on ebay but that was a lost cause on my part as he was going for almost $100 a character. I lost hope in finding him when all of a sudden I was at Emerald City Comic Convention with my friends and in one of the booths there had Scareglow on display and was selling him for just $40, knowing that was as good of a deal I was ever going to find him for I picked him up and haven't been happier since.

Scareglow has yet to disappoint me in the least in fact other than a few rare find figures Scary there is one of my holy grails. His paint apps are just what you would expect from Mattel which means it is great, or at least in my eyes it is! He still has the black paint on his glowing parts that when he starts to glow looks like a skeleton, that is one of the features that drew me to him in the first place. In the light he looks sort of dumb, but is nearly impossible to take a picture of a character in the dark trying to capture the glow.

The articulation on Scareglow is ball jointed head, ball and pin shoulders, swivel biceps, hinge elbow, swivel wrist, hinged torso, swivel waist, ball and pin hips, swivel thighs, hinge knees, swivel calves, hinged feet. The 4 horseman (the sculpting team of Mattel) did an amazing job on this character, they kept the crack in his forehead just like the original character had, he's also got the beady red eyes that make him look vacant and angry. His wrists have spikey fins on them and his feet are monster like feet with three toes.
 Scareglows accessories include his cape which is purple with a little bit of translucence on the bottom to actually make him look all the most ghost like. He also has his 'Scythe of Doom' which he also came with in the original but this one is more detailed in that the edge of the bladed part is cast in the same glowing material that he is made of. His final accessory is his club like it which was never part of the original character is a type of mace item that is chained to his wrist but the neat thing about this club is that inside there is a key what the key is supposed to be to I have no idea but I have read around on the interwebs that it is the key to Castle Greyskull itself, this might very well be since the top of the club is a small replica of the castle. 

Scareglow in any form is one of my favorite characters and if anyone out there that reads my blog and has the original or knows where to get one please let me know so I can have a classic and new one for my collection. As always comments, suggestions and critiques are welcome. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wal-Mart Exclusive Iron Man Mark VI

The Iron Man Mark VI really didn't get much screen time in Iron Man 2, it was the last armor he wore in the final battle with Whiplash but we only got to see it for about 15 minutes, not enough time to see a beautiful armor that it was.

Compared to the other Iron Man Armors from the Mark III-the Mark IV the Mark VI is a much lighter red than the others. It is almost a candy apple red instead of the deep red that was used for the Mark III-IV, I actually liked this color red a lot better than the darker of the previous models.

This armor is very movie accurate too with the silver knees and biceps as well as the new triangular arc reactor. Hasbro did an amazing job on the pain applications too. My figure has no smudges that they are notorious for in face there is only one area on the whole figure that has any paint that shouldn't be on it on it, and that area is the right calf with a small almost unnoticeable speck of silver on it.

Mark VI is articulated just like War Machine and he also has the goofy shoulder pads too. But the shoulder pads are much better than the ones on the Mark II and III where you just move the arm and they shoot off at you. Iron Man has a ball jointed head, hinge and ball shoulders, double hinge elbow, pin and swivel wrist, articulated chest, ball and hinge hip, double hinge knee and pin and swivel feet.

I would like to go on record and say that this is one of the two favorite of my Iron Man 2 action figures. Not only is it movie accurate but is is a solid figure that would look good with any hall of Armors you have around your home

Tomorrows review will have to be a surprise for you all cause I ain't tellin you til its up and running. As always comments and observations are welcome. Also please keep in mind that all my pictures are taken with a camera phone as my camera is lost. So be gentle

Monday, October 25, 2010

Wal-Mart Exclusive War Machine

Normally I don't go to Wallyworld to shop for toys but I did for four different figures that were exclusive to them. They were the last 4 I needed (until Iron Man 3 comes out) to complete my hall of Iron Man armors. The first review on my miraculous return to my blog is the Exclusive War Machine.

Now this War Machine is one of the best that has been made since Toy Biz and Hasboro started making legend sized action figures! At least in my opinion he is one of the best, aside from a few flaws that always seems to plague toys. My one gripe is that War Machines missile launcher is on his right shoulder, when in the movie any one who has seen it will know that it is supposed to be on his left. I am not sure why they decided that the missile container is going to be located on that arm.

War Machine has a ball jointed head, ball and pin shoulders, swivel biceps, double hinge elbows, ball and pin wrists, ball and pin hips, swivel thighs, double hinge knees, and ball and pin ankles. Some extra fun parts of his articulation are his guards on his hands have a small bracket in which swings up and he can do his repulsor blast for his hands, there is also hinges on his shoulder guards so he can sort of put his arms out to the side, but that looks really dumb because the pads usually end up higher than his head, bah! War Machines mini gun on his shoulder is on a sliding bar so it can go all over the place on his back this is really one of the neater features of this character, you can put the gun aiming behind him while the missile bracket can aim forward and he can also protect himself on the sides too because of his arm guns.

The paint on War Machine is crisp and clear and looks like he just stepped out of the movie and into your hand. In some areas you can see how the Iron Man Mark II was the body for this but for the most part there is so much armor on him that he looks like something that Tony Stark designed for heavy attacks, which he did in the comics. the colors are mostly a smokey grey and silver with red for the eyes and arc reactor in the chest also on the arms where his guns are there is some yellow giving that hey look this area is a little dangerous.

When you want to have a different hand style than what he has (I choose the repusor hand, its the open one) War Machine also came with two different other hands, one is a closed fist and the other is a partially opened hand. Both look pretty good but I like the open hand the best out of all of them. Also for his missile bracket when it is removed there is a small smokey grey piece that fits over the hole and makes it look like there is nothing there, this is where Hasboro has been doing a great job with their hide a port like things.

Well readers tomorrow will be Iron Man Mark VI and then continuing on from there. Please leave any comment you want I will likely reply with any suggestion or comment you have for me.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Starting back up real soon

So I've been on a semi long hiatus from doing my reviews but that doesn't mean that I have stopped collecting my figures and as of next week I will start up again with the Wal-Mart Exclusives War Machine, Iron Man Mark IV, V & VI these are the 6 inch characters then I will move on from there to Mini-Mates, the treasure of my collection! Now what I ask of you, my readers is do you want to hear about articulation, paint apps, how close to the movie or comic they stay or just everything in general? Leave comments here so I know what you look for in a figure review and I will do my best to fulfill that wish for you, I have missed your feedback and comments and will try to do a review everyday, Sunday through Thursday taking Friday and Saturday for myself and my boyfriend.

Thats right I have a boyfriend now too. He is a Half-rician, mulatto guy who I am very much in love with. If you wanna meet him come to our usual haunt and you can, where we frequent is Casey's Bar in Portland on NW 6th and Couch. Come down have fun and enjoy the show (And by show I mean the crazy fun drunks)!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Been a while...

...since I blogged and I have a hard time right now finding any time to post up reviews for my figures because of school, limited internet time where I'm living. As most of you know things have gone worse for me with my living situation, I'm trying to make the best of it and keep a positive attitude but its just a little bit hard on me right now. There is a deep depression kicking me when I'm down but I will not go down completely without a fight. Also as most of you know my phone has been suspended so I can't call out or reply to texts unless I'm near a WIFI area, I'm making due but damn does it put me in a funk to have a smart phone that I can do nothing with!

But as a sort of positive note I am turning 30 in two days, could be interesting. Who knows what a new decade will bring for me...maybe happiness that I have been seeking.

A good friend and I have started our own pod cast where we talk about anything and everything comic related:
In our first episode we talk about how we got into comics and why we love the medium. Still a work in progress but fun none the less. =) 
You can also find it on iTunes. Let us know if you have any ideas as to what we should talk about and maybe we will use your idea sometime. 

Also during the summer my buddy Ian is starting his own Webisodes of his Superhero screen play and we may be looking for locations to shoot at and vehicles to borrow so if you have anything please let us know.

Well guys look for updates to come out sometime, but reviews will not return until September when I get my own place and look out I will have a lot of stuff to cover!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Devastatingly small Devastator

Seven robots make up this pretty neat looking piece of devastation! Sadly this character does not come with the wrecking 'balls' that were shown in the movie but they do make them as a custom piece! The articulation is severely limited to just arm movement and some head movement. But it's the new Devastator at a very affordable price of $35, the bad thing is that he is a Wal-Mart Exclusive, I dunno why but Hasbro really likes Wal-Mart and likes giving them exclusives! This figure is very detailed and looks like it sorta stepped out of the movie with its hunched back and down-syndrome face. The eyes are a vibrant creepy green that seems to say 'I'm gonna eat your soul' or 'I'm sucking up all your sand and there's nothing you can do about it!' 

Left Arm High Tower:

High Tower is a crane not really all that much I can say about him he has good paint apps in yellow and gun metal grey with a grey Decepticon badge on his left side. He does have a little articulation with his hook being able to swing, his treads however are just molded plastic with small plastic wheels inserted in! His robot mode makes him look slightly retarded or like that one zombie that you blew its legs off and its crawling to get you! He has stumpy T-Rex arms a weird face and almost no robot body at all! in replacement of his hook he has a claw that sorta dangles off his butt. This is one of the least impressive of the Devastator set.

Right Arm Scrapper:

Scrapper is a front end loader and one of the tallest of the Devastator set when in robot mode. No I don't know the actual size but I do know that he probably stands about 2.5inches tall compared to the 2inch characters of the rest of the line. He posses the same colors as High Tower but this time he has some blueish grey on the window, all the details are great on this figure he had 4 points of articulation being arms and legs. I would say he is my favorite of the Devastator set. Only cause he is tall and looks relatively menacing.

Left Leg Rampage:

Rampage is a bulldozer in his vehicle mode he has cast in treads with wheels underneath. Still the same colors as High Tower and Scrapper. This is another of the set that I was not too pleased with because he has no legs, although in the movie he didn't have legs either he was just one big pogo stick like robot always 'boinging' around. If you listen closely you can even hear that sound in the movie, sorta made me snicker!

Right Leg Long Haul:

Long Haul is pretty fucking awesome he is a large green dump truck! He actually looks like his voyager class counter part with the sunken in head, shoulder pads and folded in hands. This is one impressive figure his transformation is pretty basic and simple. and he looks good in both modes. In robot mode there is a little more grey added to the green so he kinda stands out well! And the face that he is the only green 'former of the bunch kinda helps him out too!

Mid Torso Overload:

I have no idea what exactly Overload is supposed to be but according to Wiki he is an articulated dump truck...I'm going out on a limb here and gonna guess that is a diesel cab with a dump truck trailer...I dunno! He is red and well pretty much red, he does have some grey on the wheels 4 of which are rotatable and two which are stationary and don't really move much! He also has some black where his cab is. This robot looks like Rob Liefield drew him but in reverse with a huge torso and stumpy little legs, or maybe he is the gorilla of the Devastator set. He also has this giant hook arm hanging out the top of him, looks a little weird but oh well!

Upper Torso Demolisher:

Demolisher is probably the biggest disappointment of the Devastator set. He is a huge back ho cast in red, white and grey. His boom or shovel swings out but that is pretty much it. His robot mode is just completely and utterly retarded just like in the movie. He is designed to roll on what used to be his treads in robot mode because Michael Bay thought it was 'neat' looking. Fuck you Bay!, this looks like someone pooped the design. The only way to get it to balance out is by spreading the arms and making sure they hold him in place he only stands up for a few seconds and then falls over! LAMEST LEGENDS YET!

Head Mixmaster: 

Mixmaster is a cement truck like he is supposed to be and he looks great. I know he is not the flat nosed mixer that he was in G1 but you can't always keep them the same and honestly like this mode better. He is grey with some green, black, silver and light purple on the windows. His robot mode really is not that impressive but it works. He kinda looks like he is a scarecrow posted to keep robot crows from eating robot corn. 

Well there you have it another review by me Revren. Next I dunno who I'm gonna review but I think I have an idea...see ya next time my three faithful readers and until next time keep those comments coming!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Emerald City Comic Con

As a few of you know from some of my posts on facebook, this last weekend I went to Seattle for Emerald City Comic Con which was held on Saturday and Sunday! There were over 20,000 people in attendance. This convention was huge, at least 4 times bigger than Portland's Comic Show. My friends Mark, Sean and Pete also went all thanks to Mark and his generosity with the tickets and hotel room purchases! Thank you very much Mark!

While I was there I got some awesome swag or as I like to call them sometimes Shineys! Along with all the goodies that I got for free while at the convention. Here's the stuff I got to keep as memory but didn't get pictures of...
I got to see Leonard Nimoy while my friend Sean actually got his autograph
I saw Stan 'the Man' Lee but sadly no autograph cause it was sixty stones to get that
Lou Ferrigno is huge
Geoff Johns is cute and from what I heard from other fans super friendly

And some of the fans really need to stop bitching about anything and everything because it is not needed, those people are there for your entertainment and are only human if someone is not at their designated spot they might be in the toilet or getting something to eat, give them a chance.

Now on to some of my goodies that I got while there:

Scruffy Puppies books one and two. The author of these books was very friendly and cute. The art is fantastic I have at this point not read the stories but will by tomorrow night. And then I will let you know how good it is. I did flip through the first book and really liked the art Brent Trembath is really very talented. Book two's art is okay I guess but you can tell its not Brent's work. Here are the books:

Brent also has his own site for the books: check it out!

On Sunday(yesterday) I went back to the convention, why not, I had a two day pass, there was a free table with some DC comics swag for grabs and people milling around so I poked my head in and wanted to see what was on there. In the process some grumpy bitch looked at me and said 'you know there is a line of people wanting to grab this stuff, why don't you go to the end of it' to which I replied, 'this is swag and its free just grab what you want and STFU there is no need for a line when everyone can get something!' She did not like that but didn't say anything when I kept grabbing what I wanted. What I got there were four hero buttons, Superman, Batman Wonder Woman and the Flash along with a DC Direct catalog for their 2010 collectibles:
the DC Direct catalog can be seen atop this post!

Now on to my Shineys, my toys:

Scareglow: Not many of you know who he is but he was one of my favorite He-Man characters when I was a kid. His original bio said he was Skeletor's skeleton ripped out of his body but now he is an Eternian Ghost Here's his Bio:

Real Name: Karak Nul™
In life, Nul was a shifty bounty hunter who spent years attempting to break into Castle Grayskull®, obsessed with the countless legends that it contained the power to be Master of the Universe. In death, he was cursed and banished into the dimension of Infinita, forever chained to his past crimes. He was brought back to Eternia® by a magical spell of light cast by Skeletor  to locate the most evil warriors in the five dimensions. Provided with a Scythe of Doom, Nul agreed to join forces with Skeletor and quickly became known as Scareglow™, thanks to his ability to burst forth and freeze his enemies with fright. 

Scareglow has 19 Points of Articulation: ball jointed head, ball jointed shoulders, swivel biceps, hinge elbows, swivel wrists, mid torso hinge, swivel waist, ball jointed hips, swivel thighs, hinge knees and hinged ankles. He also glows in the dark. He comes with a heavy duty purple cape, his scythe of doom, a mace with the tip to look like Castle Greyskull and inside of it is a key for something I have no knowledge what it is for.

Stealth Operations Suit AKA War Machine (sorta) from Iron Man 1 Wal Mart Exclusive:

Slower, but more heavily armored than the Iron Man armor, the Stealth Operations Suit boasts a much broader array of weapons, from repulsor rays to rocket launchers. Jim Rhodes pilots it on missions too sensitive for the high profile Iron Man to tackle. 

Yeah I know I stole the bio from another site but you know what it was the same bio on the back of the card too so suck it! Anyway this is pretty much War Machine even though it doesn't have the name. With the Silver and Black color scheme and the gatling gun on one shoulder and the rocket launcher on the other this toy is War Machine. The silver and grey go together really well and are set off with just a little bit of blue for his chest blast and his eyes. Over all it looks really nice: S.O.S. WM has 28 points of Articulation ball jointed head, ball jointed shoulders, swivel biceps, double hinged elbows, hinged wrists with a swivel, hinged torso, ball jointed hips, swivel thighs, double jointed knees, ball jointed feet with a swivel ankle, and two slide brackets for his attachable weapons. he also came with two attachments for his wrists to mimic his wrist mounted guns.


And last but certainly not least 

IM2 War Machine: 

Holy shit is this character awesome looking and he only stands 4.5 inches tall. He is your typical silver and grey/black with red for his chest piece and his eyes he also has two arm cannons that are not removable and then two shoulder mounted gatling guns one is a huge launcher with two different 'missiles' to fit in the barrel and the other is a smaller one with no place for a missile. War Machine has 24 Points of Articulation:  ball jointed head, ball jointed shoulders, ball jointed elbows, swivel wrists, mid torso hinge. double ball jointed hips, swivel thighs, hinge knees and hinged ankles. In addition he also has swivel brackets for his guns that have ball joint attachments for the guns to rest on for a full variety of positions to shoot. 

Again if you would like me to go more indepth with any of these reviews I will be most glad to but you gotta let me know with a comment!