Seven robots make up this pretty neat looking piece of devastation! Sadly this character does not come with the wrecking 'balls' that were shown in the movie but they do make them as a custom piece! The articulation is severely limited to just arm movement and some head movement. But it's the new Devastator at a very affordable price of $35, the bad thing is that he is a Wal-Mart Exclusive, I dunno why but Hasbro really likes Wal-Mart and likes giving them exclusives! This figure is very detailed and looks like it sorta stepped out of the movie with its hunched back and down-syndrome face. The eyes are a vibrant creepy green that seems to say 'I'm gonna eat your soul' or 'I'm sucking up all your sand and there's nothing you can do about it!'
Left Arm High Tower:
High Tower is a crane not really all that much I can say about him he has good paint apps in yellow and gun metal grey with a grey Decepticon badge on his left side. He does have a little articulation with his hook being able to swing, his treads however are just molded plastic with small plastic wheels inserted in! His robot mode makes him look slightly retarded or like that one zombie that you blew its legs off and its crawling to get you! He has stumpy T-Rex arms a weird face and almost no robot body at all! in replacement of his hook he has a claw that sorta dangles off his butt. This is one of the least impressive of the Devastator set.
High Tower is a crane not really all that much I can say about him he has good paint apps in yellow and gun metal grey with a grey Decepticon badge on his left side. He does have a little articulation with his hook being able to swing, his treads however are just molded plastic with small plastic wheels inserted in! His robot mode makes him look slightly retarded or like that one zombie that you blew its legs off and its crawling to get you! He has stumpy T-Rex arms a weird face and almost no robot body at all! in replacement of his hook he has a claw that sorta dangles off his butt. This is one of the least impressive of the Devastator set.
Right Arm Scrapper:
Scrapper is a front end loader and one of the tallest of the Devastator set when in robot mode. No I don't know the actual size but I do know that he probably stands about 2.5inches tall compared to the 2inch characters of the rest of the line. He posses the same colors as High Tower but this time he has some blueish grey on the window, all the details are great on this figure he had 4 points of articulation being arms and legs. I would say he is my favorite of the Devastator set. Only cause he is tall and looks relatively menacing.
Left Leg Rampage:
Rampage is a bulldozer in his vehicle mode he has cast in treads with wheels underneath. Still the same colors as High Tower and Scrapper. This is another of the set that I was not too pleased with because he has no legs, although in the movie he didn't have legs either he was just one big pogo stick like robot always 'boinging' around. If you listen closely you can even hear that sound in the movie, sorta made me snicker!
Right Leg Long Haul:
Long Haul is pretty fucking awesome he is a large green dump truck! He actually looks like his voyager class counter part with the sunken in head, shoulder pads and folded in hands. This is one impressive figure his transformation is pretty basic and simple. and he looks good in both modes. In robot mode there is a little more grey added to the green so he kinda stands out well! And the face that he is the only green 'former of the bunch kinda helps him out too!
Mid Torso Overload:
I have no idea what exactly Overload is supposed to be but according to Wiki he is an articulated dump truck...I'm going out on a limb here and gonna guess that is a diesel cab with a dump truck trailer...I dunno! He is red and well pretty much red, he does have some grey on the wheels 4 of which are rotatable and two which are stationary and don't really move much! He also has some black where his cab is. This robot looks like Rob Liefield drew him but in reverse with a huge torso and stumpy little legs, or maybe he is the gorilla of the Devastator set. He also has this giant hook arm hanging out the top of him, looks a little weird but oh well!
Upper Torso Demolisher:
Demolisher is probably the biggest disappointment of the Devastator set. He is a huge back ho cast in red, white and grey. His boom or shovel swings out but that is pretty much it. His robot mode is just completely and utterly retarded just like in the movie. He is designed to roll on what used to be his treads in robot mode because Michael Bay thought it was 'neat' looking. Fuck you Bay!, this looks like someone pooped the design. The only way to get it to balance out is by spreading the arms and making sure they hold him in place he only stands up for a few seconds and then falls over! LAMEST LEGENDS YET!
Head Mixmaster:
Head Mixmaster:
Mixmaster is a cement truck like he is supposed to be and he looks great. I know he is not the flat nosed mixer that he was in G1 but you can't always keep them the same and honestly like this mode better. He is grey with some green, black, silver and light purple on the windows. His robot mode really is not that impressive but it works. He kinda looks like he is a scarecrow posted to keep robot crows from eating robot corn.
Well there you have it another review by me Revren. Next I dunno who I'm gonna review but I think I have an idea...see ya next time my three faithful readers and until next time keep those comments coming!
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