Defensor of the Combiner Wars Story line is one of the many combiner figures we are getting last year and this year. Defensor is made up of 5 figures, one voyager sized one whom is Hot Spot the body and fire truck, then four deluxe class figures, Streetwise, the cop car and limb, Blades, the helicopter and limb, First Aid, the ambulance and limb, and the addition for the new series is Rook, the SWAT vehicle and limb. In the Generation One series one of the other limbs was Groove the Motorcycle but due to his size and that for some reason Hasbro decided to use Rook instead of Groove Tomy-Takara is releasing a Groove over in Japan and it is unknown if we will see him here in the US or not.
Defensor is the thickest of the three Combiners released so far, and by thick I mean the width from shoulder to shoulder, he far surpasses the width of Menasor and Superion. He is not the tallest of the three, Defensor is shorter than both Superion and Menasor.
Defensor has some really great articulation. He can move at the head via a swivel, no looking up or down unfortunately. He has hinged shoulders, with really strong ratchet joints for upward movement. Due to the figures being deluxes their elbow joints become doubled, he can also rotate at the elbow. His hands are on a peg that plugs into the wrist of the limb he is using as a hand, his fingers are grouped together so he only has open and close articulation. He has no waist articulation, because of the base body being Hot Spot. His hips are with ratchets and can also swing out so he can do the splits. His knees are hinged but he only has one joint there. There is no ankle articulation but he can twist the foot. All in all he is very articulated and I am supremely pleased with this figure.
In closing I really love this figure and cannot wait until they make more of the other combiners that I do not have. In my collection I have Superion and Menasor. Next I will get Devastator. Coming out next year is Optimus Maximus, Sky Linx and Bruticus. It is going to be a great next few years for Transformers.
My next review will be of Rook. I will for the next few reviews I will review the other limbs of this combiner and show their arm/leg modes and also Hot Spots torso mode.
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