Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Protectobots: Blades

 Blades is a carry over from G1 Transformers Protectobots and like his predecessor he is still a helicopter but this time Blades is a Coast Guard rescue copter. His primary colors are red and white in vehicle mode. He has the words rescue stamped on his sides stating he is a rescue vehicle. The one thing I do not like that much about him is for a rescue vehicle he has missiles on his body instead so it makes him look more brutish than rescue. 

 Blades robot mode is slim and agile. in robot mode he is also primarily red and white. Being a repaint of Alpha Bravo is one of the reasons he has missiles on his body. As a warrior he would need some sort of weapons aside from his gun he comes with but it doesn't really make sense about the missiles. He is articulated at the shoulders with a ball joint, a bicep swivel, hinged elbows, a ball jointed head, waist articulation, ball jointed hips, swivel thighs, knee joints. For a combiner joint he has a good range of articulation. in this mode his rotors flip up and look like sword blades peeking up over his back. 

 Like all appendages of the combiner series Blades can be either be an arm or leg, as a leg there isn't much along the way of articulation and he doesn't make much of a strong looking leg in fact he is a very skinny and weak looking leg. As an arm he is much better looking he has double jointed elbow for Defensor and his connector port adds another pint of articulation for a shoulder joint. and then there is a joined thumb and a peg where his hand fits in as a rotating wrist joint. 

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