Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Comic Book Wednesday was good to me today

I thought now I would start to use my blog for originally created it for: Action Figure reviews from my perspective. As most of you know a big, yet small, portion of my collection is my Mini-Mates collection, as of today I have 285 of them proudly displayed in my room. Just today I purchased 16 new one. I'm going to focus on those because 285 to go back through would be a pain in the ass. One thing I should point out about Mini-Mates is that they are 2" in height and have 14-points of articulation, that is an exceptional amount for such a small toy and they have great detail too.

First up is the Kree soldier
Yellow Jacket pack:
now this was the variant of the series so I got the troop builder with it. Yellow Jacket is one of Hank Pyms alter egos, jesus the guy has a bunch of them. His helmet/mask is removable and it looks like he has that 'I want to punch my wife in the face look' like he did in the comic. Due to the collar that has is huge shoulder pads that help him fly in the comic his neck is only limited to turning not looking up and down like most other mates.The Kree soldier is your basic shock trooper for the Kree race, really nothing special about this guy other than his holster for his gun is huge and his gun is so tiny.

Goliath and Kree Soldier:
Goliath is another name for Pyms identities but this time he does not fly around like he did as Yellow Jacked nor does he communicate with ants like he did as Ant-Man. Nope the only thing unique about Goliath is that he is tall, this was when Pym went sort of insane and kept making new identities. Goliath is blue with a yellow 'Y' going down his chest, and yellow boots, gloves waist and stripes going down his arms. He also came with another set of normal mate feet but the triangular ones he came with make him look taller by about a fraction of an inch compared to other mates.

Captain Marvel and Black Bolt:
Captain Marvel
is a Kree Warrior possessing the Nega-bands and pale skin of a human, his skin alone makes him an outcast among the Kree people whose skin is either blue or pink. He came to earth and was welcomed as a hero. I don't know much more about Marvel other than he died from what the Kree called the Black Lung, lung cancer. The toy is blue and red with gold for the Nega-bands and blonde hair.
Blackbolt is the king of the Inhumans and can destroy anything with his voice. Bolt never talks unless he has to and if he does it is barely a whisper. In all the years he has been around his costume has never changed at all. It is black with silver ribs in it, he also has silver wings that are attached to his upper arms.

Multiple Man and 1st appearance Angel and X-Men Angel.
Multiple Man is Jamie Madrox a man who can create multiple versions of himself just by physical force whether that includes snapping his fingers or being punched, no matter what there is always many different ones of him around. This version of Madrox is from the X-Factor comic(the current one) where he has the ankle length duster, jeans, stubble on his jaw and his multiple man shirt.This is actually a very well done version of Madrox he looks very good.

1st Appearance Angel is in his very first costume when he joined Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. The uniform is black and yellow and rather ugly but it was the early 60's when this character was created so go figure. Now what makes this character and X-Men Angel unique is that they have feathered wings, these wings on the characters look very well, they are greatly detailed with grooves in the wings to show where the feathers are supposed to be. very nice feature for these characters. 1st Appearance Angel has a cocky look on his face with a grin to accompany it.
X-Men Angel is from I am guessing the modern era for X-Men, I dunno you be the judge, all I do know is that the colors and the halo in the center of his chest is very nice looking. The face on this Angel looks like he is pissed off. As with 1st Appearance Angel due to the mechanism used to hold the wings in place they cannot move their heads up and down, but it is a small price to pay for such greatly detailed characters.

Kitty Pride and Captain Britain:
Kitty Pride is probably the ugliest mate I own and I own a lot of them. The costume she is wearing is from her Sprite days and damn does this costume have some manly shoulder pads. Her coloring is light blue for the pants gloves and sash around her waist, then her boots, waist and coat are dark blue, now normally I have no problem with blue color combos but jesus this character looks fugly. Her only redeeming quality is that she comes with Lockheed, he is god damn detailed for a character that is only 1/2" in height.
Captain Britain is in his second costume and probably his most recognizable one of all he has had. Cap has the British flag on him like he always has, blue, white and red are his primary colors and for this character it looks good.

Extremis Armor Iron Man and Titanium Man:
I have to say Titanium Man is a pretty lame character. It looks like he has a smiley face on his helmet done up in yellow against the dark green. Not really the best color combo but much better than Kitty Pride. He is your typical Iron Man villain with armor and a removable helmet. Under the armor and helmet is a bearded face the torso is the same they used for Ares and and Ultimate Thor, now here's what I don't understand about this character, why in a suit of armor would you go shirtless? Wouldn't that cause chaffing?
Extremis Armor Iron Man is actually a nicely done figure, of course it has his gold and red color scheme but under the armor there is the gold body suit that is supposed to be the Extremis virus in his system making him able to interface with any technology. To do that we get an extra hair piece, hands and feet to have Stark in the Extemis body suit, I prefer him in the armor but that is just my choice.

Cable and X-Force X-23:
Cable is the old X-Force Cable with the BFG's, hand guns and knives, he also has massive shoulder pads. Looking at this figure I am astonished at the amount of detail that was put into him and how strongly he looks like Cable from the Leifeild days(sadly this is where the costume is from). An awesome add on to the figure is that his shoulder pads on the left shoulder has a little notch in it that you can put one of his guns in, just like you see in the picture. I promise you it looks better in person than it does in the picture. Cable also has his damaged eye and his cybernetic arm.
X-23 is in her X-Force costume and man does she look pissed off. Of course when isn't she pissed off? Her two claws on her had are out but you get an extra set of hands to make it look like they are retracted but I don't like the looks of it. There is also another head that comes with her with out her red eyed mask but it just looks dumb because the X-Force characters are the elite squad that do Cyclopes's dirty work.

Of both of these series I got today I have to say Cable/X-Force X-23 and Blackbolt/Captain Marvel are my favorites. They are the ones I was looking forward most to owning and am happy they came out today.

Maybe within the next few days I will take other pictures and show the alternate stuff, who knows.

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