Saturday, January 2, 2010

The history of the name REVREN

Those of you that maybe wondering where the nick name REVREN came from I will tell you. It all began in the seventh grade where we had to take an elective chosen for us (some elective huh?). Well the elective was Law and it was pretty much fun. We got to do all sorts of rockin trials in history, and the one that I earned my nickname is the Salem Witch Trials were I was the Reverend Bishop, ya know the bastard that had say in whether the witches would live or die. Yeah that was me, but the twist to this class is that we could do the trial however we wanted and well cause I was so convincing I saved the witches. Pretty cooll huh? I thought so.

Now you might be thinking that's it, Nope that's not it by a long shot. This still takes place in the seventh grade also. This was the bad thing that happened to me. Square dancing had just started up (oh what fun) well it was going good up until we got to the middle of the course then shit really hit the fan. Three of the most unattractive girls at that time had accused me of feeling them up. I am sorry but at that time I wasn't into girls at that time. Well like all rumors in the world this one spread like wild fire and man did it really fucking hurt. Those three girls had turned almost everyone against me, the only people that didn't turn on me was my best friends. Some of the asses started making up songs 'Dean Dean with the tinted glasses/going around grabbing girlie asses', 'Revren Revren The preaching man that has an ass in one hand and a pussy in the other'. They made up songs about something that was just wrong, something that I would never do at all because I respect peoples bodies. The remainder of the year I was harassed, beat up, called names and made frequent trips to the office, all because of a small town needed someone that didn't fit in to feel bad. Wow let me say this I felt like shit until my senior year in high school when I earned my respect back. After 6 years of putting up with jocks and 'the cool' kids taking advantage of me I was fed up, one day I grabbed the alpha jock, you know the one that everyone looks up to, and slammed him into the lockers right behind us, I was polite in asking him to leave me alone and stop bothering me he just kept going so I cocked back my fist and drove it into the locker next to his head, I scared the guy shitless(literary I made him shit his pants) I did not get into trouble either for destroying school property the jock did. After that day I gained the respect of my peers, all whom I had a high loathing for since 7th grade. I realized that I didn't need to be all angry because of my class mates being dumbasses, I realized I was better than their rumor spreading, singling out stupidity. I became the person I am today.

I recently have been using the nickname REVREN a lot more, what I'm doing is reliving my past and making something that was so long ago associated with negatives and making it a positive. If you are friends with me on facebook you see my nick name thrown in there with my name. Now you know where REVREN came from and how strong of a meaning it has to me.

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