Sunday, December 14, 2014

Rat invasion

Awe its a robot rat

I know this one is over a week late and I apologize for that I was sick one day and then the day after I wounded my hand pretty badly where it was very hard to type then my internet was shut off but without further delay here is Transformers Generations Rattrap.

Out of every beast line of Transformers that was ever made I always had to have a Rattrap. He is always my favorite character, I guess he was always my favorite because I have always liked rats, they are smart and very entertaining animals. 

I'll start this review with Rattrap in rat mode talking about his coloring, beast mode articulation, and his previous iteration from Beast Wars, Beast Wars Transmetals, Beast Machines then Transformers Generations. I will not be reviewing the first three mentioned but I will have comparison pictures of them.

Lets begin shall we?

Colors of Rattrap are primarily a greyish color for the body in beast mode, on his butt there is an orangeish brown coloring just like in he original figure. His tail and feet are a peach coloring. He has black beady eyes and a black nose. 

His beast modes articulation is pretty good. His tail is hinged but it is also bendy. The hind legs are on a hinge as well as the feet for a reason I will go into in a minute. The upper or front legs for you that are paying attention are also on hinges and the front feet rotate. The jaw has a hinge so it can open, his head also looks down so he can stand on his hind legs like a rat can too. There is a little flap behind his head so he can stand on his hind legs and you don't have a gap. Now when he stands on his hind legs you can see his robot arms and his gun just hanging out looking like a rat wang.

Rat wang
He wants to play pattycake
I will not go into how to transform him into a robot...I will let you go to youtube and look it up if you want but I will say it is not very hard to transform him and once you get him into bot mode he looks great.

As a robot Rattrap does not disappoint any fan at all, or at least the few I have talked to. his colors in bot mode are still grey, but with a bit of orange (similar to the coloring on his hind quarters in rat mode) on his arms he has silver on ribbing, his shins also have silver on them. 

His articulation in bot mode is pretty decent. His head swivels, his shoulders are ball jointed so he has a very wide range of motion there his elbows only bend at about 75 degrees instead of the typical 90 no wrist or hand articulation. Ball joints make up his thighs, below that is swivel thigh movement, his knees bend over 90 degrees in both directions part of his knee articulation is due to his transformation but it is still great in motion. 

For weapons he has two blasters that combine into his blaster similar to his first Beast Wars figure. In his left forearm there is his bomb that he would use in the show multiple times it is a very nice nod to the fans. He holds all these very well. 

Transformers have come a long ways in the last 18 years. And in a lot of ways they are so much better than they were back then but for nostalgic I will always keep my previous three Rattrap's I love this new Generations Rattrap a lot if I didn't have Transformers Titan Class Metroplex, Rattrap would probably be the center of my collection.  As it is Rattrap is very prominent in my collection as he sits there on a shelf next to my just inside my door with my other Beast Wars and beast like characters. 

I hope you enjoyed this review, I think it was one of my longer ones I have yet done. As always feedback, comments and suggestions are always welcome and appreciated. 

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