Saturday, November 21, 2009


This week I have looked around at my stuff and I realize that I am living through crap. Yeah it may be fun crap to me but its still crap. What do I really have to say is my 'legacy'? Toys, comics? Wow that says a lot about me. Don't get me wrong one bit I love my stuff but what does it say about me?

That little bit of musing aside this week I found out some relatively goodish news about a great friend of mine. I made him a promise I would not say anything but if he reads this he knows who he is. I wish you the best in what ever endeavor life brings you and have enjoyed getting to know you and looking forward to knowing you even more as the years go on.

This week I got two more of my rings for my full lantern collection. I got the Blue ring of hope and the Violet ring of love. When I get all 8 I will do 8 days of lantern shirts with the rings. I know geeky but you know what its me and its what I like.

I forgot to mention that this last Sunday was the Portland Comic Show. I spent about 2 hours there looking for treasures and I found some good stuff. I found the Hawkeye Vision Minimate and the Hawkeye Vision variant for 2 dollars a piece. I was pretty damn excited to find those. I also found a trade paperback that I had been looking for and one more part to the Spider-Carnage storyline that I have spent years looking for.

Yup like I said I have crap and it makes me who I am.

Another thing I have realized is that I think I am ready once again to try that strange thing called a relationship. There are a few people that I am interested in but none of them seem to be ready or not interested in me. One I know from talking to others is not looking for anything but friends, fine lets wait that one out. Two of my good friends know who that is. Two work a totally different shift and makes it hard to get to know them when I am asleep when they work, yeah kinda hard. Plus I think one of them has started seeing someone else...oh well thats life isn't it? I think I am just going to let something find me. I have looked and each time it fails me. This time its for something else to come to me. I am forever patient, when it comes to this, and hopeful that something positive will happen soon.

Well to those three or four that actually read my blog thanks for looking and look for next time when I talk about....shit your guess is a good as mine.


  1. I got some 40 back issues at the show for around $10... The sad thing is they are now in the long box of doom... never to see the light of day again. I love collecting crap too... but it's not really crap if it makes you happy. :)

  2. Well of course it makes me happy, its what makes me me but I still say some of it is crap.

  3. My 'crap' tends to be electronics and video games ;) I love my TV, PS3, 360, Wii, Genesis, and all the other shit I may have forgotten about. Without my crap, I wouldn't be who I am today. Same with you, just think how bored you would have been if you hadn't played Uncharted 1 and 2, Borderlands, Modern Warfare, Prince of Persia, and all these other games you're going to play in the near future?

  4. I used to have a lot more crap (even more than in my cube, Matt), but decided to clean house and now try to keep only what means the most to me. I also try to keep in mind that most things are just that - crap. I mos def agree that u should not go out of ur way to look for a relationship...just keep being open to the possibility and keep working on yourself (be happy with you).
